Purchase Agreement

Any person who is purchasing live ants from Myrmeco Any Supply should adhere to the following safe practices for keeping and disposing of ants in a environmentally safe way. Please review this information carefully before making a purchase and reach out to our support if you need any clarification.

Do not release these organisms

These organisms are subject the permit conditions included in this order and must not be released into the environment for any reason. Even if this species is naturally established in your state. Doing so is in violation of said permit and has the potential to cause agricultural and/or ecological harm.

Do not give away or sell these organisms

These organisms cannot under any circumstances be sold or redistributed to any other person other than who it was originally sold to. If for any reason you can no longer care for the colony you must appropriately dispose of the colony.

Dispose of these organisms properly

In the event of colony death or if for any reason you are unable to continue to care for the colony you must appropriately dispose of the colony. Even if the colony already appears dead, please be diligent in proper disposal techniques anyways. You must follow one of the following methods before disposing in trash.

  1. Place the colony within a freezer for 8 hours.
  2. Immerse the colony in a 10% Clorox solution for 1 hour.
  3. Immerse the colony in rubbing alcohol for 1 hour.
  4. Microwave the colony for 1 minute.

It is extremely important to take these permit regulations seriously and follow them closely. Responsibility to the environment and local ecosystem should be our number one priority as enthusiasts of the natural world.

Environmental Awareness Letter USDA